In May, the car sales exceeded 2.4 million, and the new energy market accounted for nearly 40%

In May, China's automobile production and sales were 2.372 million and 2.417 million, up 1.7% and 1.5% year on year respectively. Chen Shihua said that China's overall economic output continued to expand, and enterprises produced

In May, industrial added value above designated size rose by 5.6%, supported by cars

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 17th, in May, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 5.6% year on year and 0.3% month on month; From January to May, the added value of industries above designated size in the country is the same as


China Auto Chongqing Forum: Shaping the Future of the Industry in the Era of Change

China's auto industry is moving from looking up to looking up in the global auto industry pattern, and is showing a new trend and new form of "new, intelligent, integrated, and voluminous". But at the same time, we should also see that the automobile industry


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[Special Topic] On China's Car Market in April 2024

In the first four months, China's automobile production and sales were 9.012 million and 9.079 million, up 7.9% and 10.2% year on year respectively. Liu Zheng said, "China's manufacturing enterprises continue to accelerate production, market demand continues to

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China's new energy vehicles sell well in Brazil

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At a time when politicians and media in some western countries such as the United States frequently hype the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy products, China's new energy vehicles will usher in a peak sales season in Latin America in 2024. In the first four months, the sales of Brazil alone will increase eight times. The supply and marketing of Chinese products in overseas markets are booming, and what the West calls "China's overcapacity..."

Auto sales in May increased on a month on month basis, and exports throughout the year are expected to continue strong


Recently, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as "CAAC") released the latest automobile market data. In May, the production and sales of domestic automobiles were 2.372 million and 2.417 million respectively, up 1.7% and 1.5% year on year. In the first five months of this year, the production and sales of domestic automobiles totaled 11.384 million and 11.496 million, respectively

Price war and flow war "interweave", and the imbalance between hot and cold in the automobile industry intensifies


Since June, major automobile enterprises have successively disclosed the sales data of May, and the industry association has also released the Top 10 list of sales. Under the "intertwined" of price war and traffic war, the competition between automobile enterprises is very interesting.

Experts: Building factories in local areas can avoid trade barriers


On June 12, the European Commission released the preliminary determination of the anti subsidy investigation on electric vehicles in China, and proposed to impose a temporary countervailing duty of up to 38.1% on electric vehicles imported from China from July. This incident has aroused widespread concern.

"Relaxation" of purchase restrictions, 10 billion yuan of subsidies to boost auto consumption "accelerate"


Recently, the State Council issued the 2024-2025 Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), which proposed 10 major tasks and 27 key actions. Among them, in the action of energy conservation and carbon reduction in transportation, it is clearly mentioned that the low-carbon transformation of transportation equipment should be promoted. Accelerate the elimination of old motor vehicles

The global sales volume of Chinese brand cars exceeded that of American brands for the first time


According to a report on the website of Russian satellite news agency on June 15, in 2023, the global sales volume of Chinese automobile manufacturers will surpass that of American automobile manufacturers for the first time.

Chinese brand cars perform well


According to the data released by the China Automobile Association, in the first five months of this year, China's automobile production and sales reached 11.384 million and 11.496 million, up 6.5% and 8.3% year on year respectively.

Forging the innovation core of automobile industry

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There are two highlights in the latest data on the national passenger car market released by the Passenger Transport Federation in May. First, the output has hit a record high in the same period, with independent brands becoming the main growth force, increasing by nearly 20% year on year; Second, the retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles increased by 38.5% year on year, far outperforming the market.

See through the changes of China's new energy vehicle industry in the past decade

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The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a big automobile country to a powerful automobile country. This important conclusion points out the direction for the development of China's automobile industry and injects unprecedented development impetus into the automobile industry.

The expansion and smooth circulation of "old for new" cars out of the market

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With the continuous accumulation of the stock of old cars in China, the potential for replacement and renewal is huge. Data shows that by the end of 2023, the number of passenger cars in China has reached 280 million, of which about 110 million are in the peak period of core exchange and purchase. Combined with the current conventional fuel vehicles, the general exchange cycle is 6-8 years

More than half of the top ten lists are independent, Denza and Landu accelerate internationalization

In May, among the top ten MPV sales, Chinese brands accounted for more than half of the total, reaching six models, and Japanese and American models respectively entered the list


Dialectically View the Price War: Chinese Automobile Enterprises Want Share in the Global Market

In Li Xueyong's opinion, it is impossible for auto companies not to fight a "price war". This is a market economy behavior, but it is "price war" at the expense of value


EU plans to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, which is opposed by many parties

On June 12 local time, the European Commission announced that it would impose additional tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China from July. In this regard

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[Special Topic] On China's Car Market in April 2024

In the first four months, China's automobile production and sales were 9.012 million and 9.079 million, up 7.9% and 10.2% year on year respectively. Liu Zheng said that

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[Topic] Smart "Win" Adult Ceremony, 2024 Beijing International Auto Show

After four years, Beijing Auto Show finally ushered in its return. On April 25, 2024 (the 18th) Beijing International Automobile Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "2024

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[Topic] In March 2024, talk about China's car market

In the first quarter, China's car market achieved a "good start", with production and sales of 6.606 million and 6.72 million vehicles, up 6.4% and 10.6% year on year respectively

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【 Special 】 Consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles

In 2023, the production and sales of China's automobile industry will be booming, and the rapid development of new energy vehicles will bring new hope and a higher starting point to the beginning of 2024. Same as

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