Will the car be built directly? AliCloud response_Information_Excellent_Finance.com - CAIJING COM.CN

Will the car be built directly? Alibaba Cloud response

Source: Caijing Author: Jia Zijian 2024-03-16 12:28

Li Qiang said that Alibaba Cloud's strategy is to give priority to AI and public cloud, and its positioning is very clear.

On March 16, Li Qiang, vice president of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group and general manager of the automotive energy industry, said at the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Forum (2024) that Alibaba Cloud provides infrastructure support for automotive enterprises and manufacturers. When asked whether Alibaba Cloud's business will touch other areas of car manufacturing, or even go directly to the next car manufacturing with the deepening of cooperation, Li Qiang said that Alibaba Cloud's strategy is to give priority to AI and public cloud, and its positioning is very clear. (Sina Finance)

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