What is the equivalent of a8 7650k AMD RADEON R7 integrated graphics card

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What is the equivalent of a8 7650k AMD RADEON R7 integrated graphics card
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A8 7650k AMD RADEON R7 integrated graphics card is equivalent to what integrated graphics card is [picture] View All

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。。 The core display R7 Graphics of A10-7850K in the figure below is about 10% better than that of GT730.
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GTX750 or A card of the same grade is fine. The APU has poor performance, which is only equivalent to the i3 third-generation CPU.
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According to Master Lu's rating, this GPU is equivalent to the NV6200 level, which means that you can barely play DX9. C games. Games before 2009 should be OK
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The dual channel 1600Mhz is equivalent to the point frequency of the GT630 D5 version.


Watchdog, Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed 4 cannot be played. They are extremely hard.
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Rx 560 is the best match
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