World of Warcraft standalone version 3.35realmd.exe only stays in one interface when it is opened, and mangosd.exe is opened well. Unable to log in to the game

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World of Warcraft standalone version 3.35realmd.exe only stays in one interface when it is opened, and mangosd.exe is opened well. Unable to log in to the game
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I can't get in either. I need to install the big mango end

Operation method:
Open the startup database. cmd file in the danji folder in the wow folder, press any key to exit after success, and then open the mangosd.exe and realmd.exe files in order. The files flash and disappear. Next, start the shortcut of the desktop. One click to start the WEB server, a web page appears, and you can register an account. One click to start the WOW server, a beep appears, and the server starts successfully! Then open the big mango universal lander in the WOW folder to enter the game!!! If you don't have this, please go to the account registration page to download
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > World of Warcraft standalone version 3.35realmd.exe only stays in one interface when it is opened, and mangosd.exe is opened well. Unable to log in to the game

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