There is violation information in my qq space, but I deleted the image library, log and other contents

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There is violation information in my qq space, but I deleted the image library, log and other contents
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That's because you have violated the rules. It's like you are fine after killing someone, but you have killed someone, and you still need to be sentenced
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It should be a card, or a network speed problem!
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In the dynamic, click the triangle like thing in the upper right corner of your speech, and then delete the speech or diary
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If the QQ space is blocked, you can unseal it as follows:
1. The appeal after the QQ space is sealed will not give you any notice or reply;
2. If you want to appeal successfully, you need to clean up all the violations in the space before you can appeal successfully;
3. There will be a notice on Tencent's official website after the appeal is successful. Please reply in time or follow the steps;
4. Since the published content of QQ Space involves multiple platforms, most of the content cannot be guaranteed to be completely deleted, which will reduce the probability of successful appeal. However, there are only two appeals opportunities in QQ Space. If they fail, they will be permanently closed!
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I can help you,. Look at my name,. I know how to find me
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Find the content you want to delete in the space dynamic and click Delete Dynamic
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That's sharing! It's OK to delete it in the sharing. You can see the sharing in the application!
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ZOL Q&A > There is violation information in my qq space, but I deleted the image library, log and other contents


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