Hard disk detection result shows CRC interface error count

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Hard disk detection result shows CRC interface error count
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After the C7 value appears, it cannot be repaired. It can only keep the current data or continue to increase. The warning is always carried. This may be a problem with the hard disk installation of the notebook or a real fault with the motherboard interface. It is recommended to find after-sales solutions. If C7 continues to increase, the life of the hard disk may be affected, and C6, C5, C4 and other abnormalities may occur.
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Error scanning. If there is no red block, there is no problem
The error count does not affect the
Hope to help you.
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Scrap it. There are not only bad tracks, but also possible circuit problems. You can plug in and unplug the hard disk data cable again, and then repair the bad track. If the fault persists, you can directly replace it with a new one. Data safety comes first
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It may be a problem of lines
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ZOL Q&A > Hard disk > Other classifications > Hard disk detection result shows CRC interface error count


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