EFI Shell version 2.31 [4.654] appears when the computer is turned on

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EFI Shell version 2.31 [4.654] appears when the computer is turned on
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The EFI Shell version 2.31 appears when the computer is turned on. Is it related to the improper operation before you shut down? For example, the card caused by playing games, watching videos, operating big things, and using the computer for a long time? Or download inappropriate things, or delete system files, or power off, the failure will not happen without reason, right?

Press the power button to repeatedly switch on and off the machine. After a period of time, try to reinstall the system. If you can't reinstall yourself, spend 30 yuan to find a maintenance person to help you.

As long as your computer is not jammed, blue screen, and suddenly shut down, it will not be like this when you turn it on.

Please ask me if you have any questions.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Phone power on > EFI Shell version 2.31 [4.654] appears when the computer is turned on


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