I use Xunlei player to watch videos. The error code is 0x80004005. My computer is Win10. What should I do

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I use Xunlei player to watch videos. The error code is 0x80004005. My computer is Win10. What should I do
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1. It may be that the player does not support the format of the file in that DVD. Right click the file in the disc and select "Open Mode" to try it with Storm Audio or the player provided by the system. 2. There is a problem with the disc.
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Start → Control Panel → Programs → Turn Windows functions on or off → Double click media functions → Check only Windows media player → OK → OK → Restart. All right!
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The best way is not to upgrade the installation, but to directly burn a CD or USB flash drive (you need to download the win10 system, it is recommended to download it from MSDN)!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > I use Xunlei player to watch videos. The error code is 0x80004005. My computer is Win10. What should I do


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