Why some software can't be deleted after the iPhone breaks the prison

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Why some software can't be deleted after the iPhone breaks the prison
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Why some software can't be deleted after the iPhone breaks the prison [picture] View All

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After prison break, it should be possible to delete the programs that come with the mobile phone system. But it depends on whether the prison break system is good. If the system is not completely broken, it may have some impact. It is recommended to reinstall the perfect prison break version after it comes out.
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Is the software not downloaded? Or can I open it?
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If you can still access the system, enter cydia and delete the Baidu IME installed previously. This may be caused by incompatible versions. Check to see if there is a new version or use another IME. And I have always used the iPhone. I use iFLYTEK input method. Super easy to use

I hope it can help you. I hope it can be adopted
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You have installed a plug-in conflict. For example, Cydelete, please uninstall it before you look at it. I'll just try
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Delete what you use and 91 what you use! You can also use iTunes to synchronize your applications, which is convenient and stable to delete
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If you installed cydelete in cydia, you can only uninstall it in cydia.
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I also had this situation a few days ago. Long press to see if it can be deleted, or go to the settings to delete
If you really can't, download and delete these two programs again
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > function > Cell phone jailbreak > Why some software can't be deleted after the iPhone breaks the prison

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