Does Apple Mobile Phone Download Two Same Applications??

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Does Apple Mobile Phone Download Two Same Applications??
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It is not allowed to install two identical software at the same time, unless the version downloaded is different, it can be downloaded twice.
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Traffic fee, you don't pay for traffic, do you
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Haven't seen such an app store before. Have you escaped from prison?
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You can set whether or not to automatically connect with the 360 mobile phone guard
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There should be a software update function in the application or settings. My model is different from yours. My model is in the application toolbox, and you can see where yours is. Generally, the settings are not in the settings function, or in the category of the software. There should be settings after finding the software automatic update system, Just turn off the automatic update, and then for the sake of insurance, I suggest you also set the networking function. Maybe you don't need to ask for the convenience of setting your networking function. Set it to ask every time, and then you'd better set a password. If there is still a problem, it should be that the mobile phone is poisoned, and you can only kill viruses or phones.
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General, deleted from the storage space.
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Most of it is because your mobile phone is poisoned. It is recommended that you install the "mobile phone guard", which is also very powerful and can prevent some automatic networking and updating programs; Or you can turn off some options of automatic networking updates in the downloaded application software and cancel the attached installation items when installing the software.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > Does Apple Mobile Phone Download Two Same Applications??


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