My laptop hard disk C7 has an error count of 15 million. Does it affect the computer?

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My laptop hard disk C7 has an error count of 15 million. Does it affect the computer?
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1. The "Ultra DMA CRC Error Count" (C7) occurs because CRC verification errors occur during reading and writing.

2. There are two possibilities for this error. One is that there is a problem with the data cable or the data cable has poor contact with the hard disk and the motherboard. So the first choice is to replace the data cable. If the data does not increase after the data cable is replaced, it proves that the original data cable has a problem.
3. The other is that there is a problem with the hard disk itself. If the remapping sector count (05) is wrong, the hard disk is more likely to have bad tracks. It is recommended to replace the hard disk and use it for unimportant data disks.
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It is recommended to use the USB boot disk, enter the built-in WINPE interface, and use diskgen software to repair the bad sectors of the hard disk.
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Of course, it has an impact. Sometimes data will be lost.
Recommended repair
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The hard disk has bad tracks and data is lost
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C7 is generally caused by poor quality or poor contact of the sata data line. As long as the count of c7 does not increase, the use will not be affected. The problem description should have little to do with c7. It is recommended to replace a hard disk sata cable.
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Is there a disc in the drive
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ZOL Q&A > Electric heater > Other classifications > My laptop hard disk C7 has an error count of 15 million. Does it affect the computer?

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