Do I play slides on the ppt master

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Do I play slides on the ppt master
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Play the slide and click F5 to enter the show status. Or click the Slide Show tab and select whether to start from scratch or from the current slide.
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1. A slide master is an element of a design template that stores template information. The information in the slide master includes font style, placeholder size and position, background design, and color scheme. By changing this information, users can change the appearance of slides in the entire presentation. Switch to the View tab on the ribbon, and click the Slide Master button in the Presentation View group to open the Slide Master view, as shown in the figure.

2. Handout master is prepared for making handouts, which usually need to be printed out. Therefore, the settings of handout master are mostly related to printing pages. It allows you to set several slides in a handout page, and set basic information such as header, footer, page number, etc. When you insert new objects or change the layout in the handout master, the new page effect will not be reflected in other master views.

3. The note master is mainly used to set the note format of slides, and is also generally used for print output. Therefore, most note master settings are also related to print pages. Switch to the View tab, and click the Notes Master button in the Presentation View group to open the Notes Master view.
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When saving, select Save as PPS or Save as PPT format, and then rename it to PPS directly. You can double click it to show directly
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Method 1: There is a "Slide Master" option in the "View" of the PPT. After you select it, you will enter the "Master" editing status. After editing, select the Normal View option in View to enter the normal content editing state.
Method 2: Hold down the CTRL key, and click the "Normal View" button on the button bar below with the left mouse button to directly enter the "Master" editing status.
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Did you change the title slide master? You can change the layout of the slide and select the blank layout to solve the problem of placeholders.
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