How to set the COM port of the computer?

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How to set the COM port of the computer?
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The steps are as follows:
1. Right click My Computer and select Properties.
2. Then select Device Manager under Hardware.
3. Click "+" before "Port".
4. Right click the properties of the port you want to set and modify the parameters.
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XON/XOFF is a flow control protocol (communication rate matching protocol). It is used for rate matching when the data transmission rate is greater than or equal to 1200b/s. The method is to control the sending rate of the sender to match the rate of both parties
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I don't know what type of printer you use. Most home printers now use USB ports. When you unplug and plug in the USB connection when the computer is turned on, the computer will automatically find the connected printer.
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It is said that MOTO only needs to replace the data cable;
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Right click on my computer to view the hardware device manager. You can change it to COM number in the programming software.
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > How to set the COM port of the computer?


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