Lol swelling can prevent the mouse from freely zooming the interface

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Lol swelling can prevent the mouse from freely zooming the interface
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On the game settings page;
Video setting;
Drag and drop that can be scaled;
It can also be locked;
Check the lock proportion to lock the size.
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Hello. You can try to use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. It is more likely that the person who opened the minified plug-in may be blocked
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Press Y key to touch the screen limit, which is available in novice teaching.
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I only use lol. Why do you want to cancel it? You don't need to move once you adjust it, just play. You don't need to open the box, and you can see from a distance?
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I am the same as you. I want to repair the League of Heroes, or reinstall it. I searched online for solutions, but there is no solution.
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The next lol box can be adjusted by clicking the infinite viewing distance with the mouse wheel. Or you can try to use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. It is more likely that the person who opened the zoomed in plug-in may be blocked
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ZOL Q&A > mouse > Other classifications > Lol swelling can prevent the mouse from freely zooming the interface

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