How to deal with the problem of stopping receiving the QQ transmission file

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How to deal with the problem of stopping receiving the QQ transmission file
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Ask the other party to send it to you again, and you can continue to receive it from the disconnected development location
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Network connection problem
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QQ game hall needs to go online, and can't receive web resources without downloading
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Use mobile hard disk or mobile phone to move QQ game installation program
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Only pictures can be opened directly. OFFICE files such as EXCEL or WORD can only be opened in the folder where they are located. Of course, it is better to remember the name of the file transferred, otherwise it is a bit troublesome
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If you can chat normally, QQ is normal. If someone sends you a file and receives it normally, you can also send it. Have you ever tried to send the file sent to you by the other party to see if it can be received normally? To ensure network security, QQ is not allowed to send files that may endanger computer security, usually exe, Executable program files such as bat cannot be transferred. They will be blocked after being sent
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He came out as soon as you went to QQ.
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ZOL Q&A > How to deal with the problem of stopping receiving the QQ transmission file


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