Excuse me, is the domain name in Word deleted?

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Excuse me, is the domain name in Word deleted?
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1. If the blank page is caused by too many blank lines, simply delete the blank lines

2. You can click the mouse at the end of the upper paragraph of the text on the blank page first, and at the beginning of the lower paragraph of the text on the automatic blank page, press and hold Shift, click the mouse again, select the blank page, and delete it

3. If the blank page is caused by inserting a page break, if it is less, just delete the page break, that is, press the backspace key at the top of the blank page

4. If there are many page breaks, you can

Click Edit - Replace - Advanced - Special Characters - Manual Page Breaks - Replace All or press CTRL+H to open the replacement dialog box, and then enter ^ b in the Find What box. The Replace With box is empty, and click Replace All

It's OK

5. If you draw a table and occupy a whole page, so that the last carriage return cannot be deleted on the second page, you can narrow the table or set the upper or lower margins to be smaller

File page setup, the upper and lower numbers should be smaller!

6. Place the mouse at the end of the previous page and delete it with DEL key. If the blank page is the last page and the mouse is on the first line, select Format - Paragraph. Set the line spacing of this line to a fixed value of 1 point, and the blank page will disappear automatically.
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Is office 2007 OK?
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Is it on the top?
If yes, double-click it and select the body in the style
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Press the Delete key to delete the extra blank space. If you can't, turn down the line height of the page in the page settings. Just do it. I hope it can help you!
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That's called table border line

Click on the menu bar to draw a table. Select No Border on the icon of the outer border

Can be removed
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In Word, press (ctrl+*) to display the editing mark. You can see the mark of the section, and then delete it directly
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ZOL Q&A > Excuse me, is the domain name in Word deleted?


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