How does Apple set the opening mode of the installer?

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How does Apple set the opening mode of the installer?
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Because there is no decompressing software, the newly purchased machine usually has a stuff installed
The format of the program you downloaded is too unclear
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One brush machine; Second, reset the phone or restore the factory settings
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It is better not to use 91 assistant because this software is very unstable, which often leads to white apples. Because 91 assistant uses the PXL format to install or uninstall software, which will leave a lot of garbage. Uninstalling software or games will always fail to uninstall or the uninstallation is incomplete, causing system paralysis
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If you cannot log in, exit the application. Select the application to be closed as the current window, and then press the shortcut key command+Q at the same time or right-click the program icon on the dock to exit.
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Hello, you can also set the program lock.
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ZOL Q&A > How does Apple set the opening mode of the installer?

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