When installing office2000 in the xp system, please insert the windows xp professional service pack2 cd into your CD-ROM drive

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When installing office2000 in the xp system, please insert the windows xp professional service pack2 cd into your CD-ROM drive
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Files are missing. It is recommended to put them in the system installation disk. Select the missing files and confirm. You can also download the missing files online
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Optical drive problems
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It's very simple. Take a Windows xp sp2 installation disk and put it in the CD-ROM drive. Click "Next" until "Finish"
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First update the driver with Driver Life,
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This is caused by the missing components of the Windows system. This was also the case after the Office software in my system had problems. Later, the problem was solved by reinstalling the system.
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Find a disk, or try a new version of Office.
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Because Office 2000 is installed on the default CD
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ZOL Q&A > Audio and conference system > system > When installing office2000 in the xp system, please insert the windows xp professional service pack2 cd into your CD-ROM drive

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