Play games and open more CPUs to choose what is good, 20 numbers or even more than 30!

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Play games and open more CPUs to choose what is good, 20 numbers or even more than 30!
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Multi core is needed for multi opening, and AMD 8 core is the first to be launched for multi tasks. The answer on the first floor is most reliable.
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The key earner, don't look
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Well, Hyper threading is the first choice to open more. If economic conditions permit, the first choice is the i7 four core eight thread. Or simply use 6 or 8 core CPUs.
As for video cards, it depends on your game rating. With so many drives, video memory and memory must be enough.
Is it convenient to say what to drive? Only when I know the specific game, can I know what configuration is required.
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It's OK for the building owner to configure CF - it is recommended to close other programs that occupy resources when playing the game. Then lower the quality of the game.
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Computers will also age, and playing games will consume computers most. The performance is poor after a long time. I have to replace consumables or computers
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There is not enough memory. If you use the virtual machine, it will occupy at least 20% - 30% of the memory, which is equivalent to about 3.2g-5g. If you open four more virtual machines, each 3g will be equivalent to 12g. Your memory is 16g. Sure card. Set the memory of the virtual machine smaller
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The performance of the computer will always decline after a long time. After all, you run large things like this. If you really want to restore good performance, you can only upgrade the software
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > Play games and open more CPUs to choose what is good, 20 numbers or even more than 30!

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