Mainboard Gigabyte Z77 CPUI5 memory 4G graphics card Yingzhong GT630, 2G hard disk 500G? Can I play a large stand-alone game? This configuration requires a price

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Mainboard Gigabyte Z77 CPUI5 memory 4G graphics card Yingzhong GT630, 2G hard disk 500G? Can I play a large stand-alone game? This configuration requires a price
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This configuration is really deformed. What game performance can be achieved when the Z77 motherboard and I5 processor are equipped with low-end graphics cards such as the GT630? My suggestion is that you'd better choose the configuration of I5 3470+B75+4GBx2+GTX660. The game performance is absolutely guaranteed.

CPU:I5 3470 ¥1070
Main board: Huaqing B75-Pro3 ¥ 470
Memory: Weigang DDR3 4GBx2 ¥ 200
Graphics card: Yingzhong GTX660 ice dragon version ¥ 1570
Hard disk: Seagate ST500 500GB ¥ 360
Power supply: ATICK BP430Plus ¥ 280
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Generally, the video card is rubbish. You can take a look at the 7770. It is recommended to use 8g of memory. It doesn't cost much.
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About 3000
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The graphics card is too poor. It doesn't match. The graphics card should be at least gt650. Mingxin Vision Wind GT650 G frequency version is recommended. The default core frequency is up to 1058MHZ, which is the strongest and most valuable of all 650 graphics cards. This graphics card is only compatible with i5.
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ZOL Q&A > Server hard disk > Other classifications > Mainboard Gigabyte Z77 CPUI5 memory 4G graphics card Yingzhong GT630, 2G hard disk 500G? Can I play a large stand-alone game? This configuration requires a price


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