What's the use of scrlock in the keyboard

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What's the use of scrlock in the keyboard
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Scroll lock is a function key on the computer keyboard. After pressing this key, when you press the up and down keys to scroll in Excel, the cursor will be locked and the page will be scrolled; If you release this key, the cursor will scroll instead of the page when you press the up and down keys.
Many friends have been friends with the keyboard for many years and won't touch the Scroll Lock. If we go back to the era of DOS, because the screen was displayed in character mode, each screen could display 25 lines, and each line had 80 characters, The function of the Scroll Lock key is to scroll when reading a longer document, just like many web pages are scrolled by double clicking the mouse for the convenience of visitors. However, in the era of Windows, the Scroll Lock key has basically withdrawn from the stage of history, which makes heroes useless.
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Sogou input method, you can spell pai directly,
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Scroll lock is a function key on the computer keyboard. After pressing this key, when you press the up and down keys to scroll in Excel, the cursor will be locked and the page will be scrolled; If you release this key, the cursor will scroll instead of the page when you press the up and down keys
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In Sogou input method, the seventh one is Wu, and how do you type your question
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It is not available on the keyboard and cannot be entered directly. You have to find it in the caret or special symbol.
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > What's the use of scrlock in the keyboard


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