When I delete the contents of the USB flash drive, I get a prompt saying, "Error in deleting files or folders - unable to read the source files or disks"

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When I delete the contents of the USB flash drive, I get a prompt saying, "Error in deleting files or folders - unable to read the source files or disks"
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1. The USB flash drive may be protected (locked). Check whether your USB flash drive has a LOCK switch. It may be locked
2. The USB flash drive may be infected with a virus. Antivirus. If the file is not important, try to format it
3. Try changing the USB interface
Try the above methods first
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Restart it. If you are lazy, you can also log out and log in again. Then go to the folder and Was successfully deleted
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Just smash the file directly
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You can install 360 Security Guard and delete it with the "Force Delete" function in the right-click menu.
Good luck!
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Delete when next boot

If you can't, enter the security mode and delete it
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > Other classifications > When I delete the contents of the USB flash drive, I get a prompt saying, "Error in deleting files or folders - unable to read the source files or disks"

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