Can Galaxy Kirin be compatible with QQ

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Can Galaxy Kirin be compatible with QQ
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It is said that the console uses the xp system, which should work
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I don't think so. If you really want to play, you can change to a 64 bit Win7. Just buy a CD and make it yourself
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It depends on whether you want to use 360 or QQ. If you want to use 360, you can chat with MSN; If you want to use QQ, you can use Kaspersky to kill viruses.
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As long as the memory of the notebook is compatible

The compatibility of Kingston is better. You need to spend 20 more to buy the special memory that Kingston has launched for various brands of computers
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Use ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GTX550T, just use this video card
Asus motherboard is generally very good
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Now compatible
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ZOL Q&A > Can Galaxy Kirin be compatible with QQ


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