How to use vmware 7 usb in virtual machine and native machine at the same time

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How to use vmware 7 usb in virtual machine and native machine at the same time
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Normally, it cannot be used at the same time, but other methods can be found.

The virtual machine has the function of a shared folder. You can find it in the settings. First connect the USB flash drive to the physical machine so that it can only be identified in the physical machine. Then set the USB flash drive to be shared in the shared folder so that the virtual machine can also access it

If the USB network card is used, you just need to let the physical machine recognize it. After the physical machine can access the Internet, because the physical machine and the virtual machine are connected through the virtual network card, you just need to share the network connection of the physical machine with the virtual network card·
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You can only use the USB wireless network card in the virtual machine to access the external network, and remove the virtual network card from the settings
This computer uses a physical network card to access the intranet
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Set the VM, enable the dhcp function of nat, and then select nat (network card 8) for the virtual system. See whether the network card 8 of the real machine and the network card 8 of the virtual machine can obtain the IP address of the same network segment
If possible, there should be no problem in accessing the Internet. The virtual machine passes through the network on your wireless network
If it is not possible, you can change the address segment allocated by the dhcp of network card 8, and it can basically be solved.
If you have any questions, please follow up.
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You can use the following setting methods.

Refer to the connection below.
Web link
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If you simply want to access the Internet, you can use the network card on the local machine, and the virtual machine can also access the Internet. You just need to bridge the network card of the virtual machine to the local machine. If you want to do other things, bridging can also meet your needs, because a network card can only have one IP address, and your virtual machine must have the same IP address as the local machine.
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512 memory is enough for the virtual machine. The card is normal, but it takes some time to start the card
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Turn on the virtual machine first. That's for sure
Then right click the label shown in the above figure

Move the cursor to "Mobile Device" - the name of the device you want to connect to in the pop-up menu bar, and then the option "Connect (disconnect from the host)" will pop up. Click to select~

I hope to solve your problem~please accept~
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Follow my steps step by step.
1. Use NAT mode, such as setting the network segment to
2. Then you can see vmnet8 in the network configuration, and set its IP address to one of the network segments, such as
3. Then set the nat gateway, such as

4. Then set the gateway to in the virtual machine settings, and the IP must be Then you can access the Internet
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > Other classifications > How to use vmware 7 usb in virtual machine and native machine at the same time

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