When installing win8 iso, you will be prompted "Use other 64 bit installation discs" after double clicking?

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When installing win8 iso, you will be prompted "Use other 64 bit installation discs" after double clicking?
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You are using a 64 bit operating system, but WIN8 is using a 32-bit operating system. The operating systems do not match, so the prompt appears. The solution is to use a 64 bit WIN8 operating system!
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Windows 8 customer preview version resources Double click the setup in this folder and it will be OK!
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It's very advanced. They all use 8. 8 supports higher versions.
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On the second floor, we are right... You should click setup.exe in that folder
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Hello! Can this article help you? Zyg1000 has published a new article [Essential Tutorial] Hard Disk Installation Windows 8 Detailed Tutorial Install a clean Win8!
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Mobile phone installation > When installing win8 iso, you will be prompted "Use other 64 bit installation discs" after double clicking?


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