Why did NVIDIA's graphics card driver become all English after being updated? I used it well before

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Why did NVIDIA's graphics card driver become all English after being updated? I used it well before
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The latest version may not have been translated into Chinese, but serious general drivers do not have to be the latest version (with bugs). They are generally the previous version
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The English version of vertical synchronization should be V-sync, which may be misspelled, but this is probably the case
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The English version of vertical synchronization should be V-sync, which may be misspelled, but this is probably the case
Look for it
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Although the latest driver is compatible with the old driver, the new driver is generally optimized for the new video card, so the stability of the old video card may not be high, and may not be suitable for the previous generation of video card driven by the old version. All drivers should not be easily upgraded and replaced as long as the problem of the original driver is not solved or upgraded. After all, it is the best to fit.
You can uninstall the existing version of the driver in My Computer - Properties - Device Manager - Graphics Card - Properties - Uninstall the driver, and then re download the original driver. After installation, it can generally be solved.
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ZOL Q&A > Graphics card > system > Phone updates > Why did NVIDIA's graphics card driver become all English after being updated? I used it well before


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