How to handle root user password locking in Linux?

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How to handle root user password locking in Linux?
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There are two ways to cancel the root password. One is to use the passwd command with the - d parameter to delete the password. Usage example: $passwd - d root The other is to edit the/etc/shadow file directly. The/etc/shadow file stores the passwords of each user in an encrypted form. If the password is empty, you are not allowed to log in with a password. Usage example: $sudo nano/etc/shadow Delete the content between the first and second colons in the root line
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There is no limit for ordinary users. You can set up an account, but you must have a password. You can use ssh or telnet to log in, provided that you have opened the ssh or telnet service.
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No~, different terminals
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Thanks. It's solved. It's the file I recovered. vsftpd.conf is not executed in the/VSFTPD/directory. vsftpd.backup.conf is the first file executed
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The root does not need to be set. If it is not set, it is an empty password.
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Root is installed by default, so it does not need to be set
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ZOL Q&A > Intelligent door control > system > How to handle root user password locking in Linux?


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