I set the 2ed boot device in bios as hard disk drvice. How to deal with it

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I set the 2ed boot device in bios as hard disk drvice. How to deal with it
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It can be changed to 1st.
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One click restore is unsuccessful or the file is damaged. It is recommended to reinstall the system in other ways
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Are you sure you set the password under BIOS? If the battery is pulled out and discharged directly, it can be solved
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After the BIOS is modified, save, exit, enter, and change back to the original state. The motherboard battery is dead. Replace it.
Your system is damaged or the drive does not match. Replace it with a system disk and reinstall it.
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In the bios -- Boot boot option, there are options such as optical drive, USB hard disk, etc.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > I set the 2ed boot device in bios as hard disk drvice. How to deal with it


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