My computer plays the game "Life and Death Quartet 2" and automatically exits to the desktop? Why? Everything else is good?

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My computer plays the game "Life and Death Quartet 2" and automatically exits to the desktop? Why? Everything else is good?
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Uninstalled the game, restarted the computer, and installed it again. I hope it can help you
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Agree with the statement upstairs that the heat dissipation is not good, so you can install a heat dissipation chassis. Second, it may be that the configuration requirements of the game are higher than that of the laptop. Third, there is too much system garbage. Fourth, it may be that the network speed is not enough, or it may be poisoned,,
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There is no assassin's creed 5. Make it clear whether it is a revolution or a mutiny
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Let me tell you how to download the Four of Life and Death. First, go to Baidu to search for "Quick Play Game" and download it. Then there will be the Four of Life and Death,
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The notebook is like this. If the heat dissipation is not good, the notebook should not play games
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You may have pressed the wrong button
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ZOL Q&A > keyboard > Other classifications > My computer plays the game "Life and Death Quartet 2" and automatically exits to the desktop? Why? Everything else is good?

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