How to deal with Apple Flash Back

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How to deal with Apple Flash Back
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Apple app flash back or crash flash back, mostly refers to the sudden exit when opening an app in mobile devices (such as iOS and Android devices)
Interruption (an application similar to Windows crashes). The application screen flashes and then returns to the main screen. The flash back of the application may be due to its own vulnerability or a device problem. Next, let's take a look at the iPhone flash back repair tutorial.
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Apple app flash back or crash flash back refers to the sudden exit method/step interruption (similar to Windows app crash) when opening an app in mobile devices (such as iOS and Android devices), which is mostly shown as: the app screen flashes and then returns to the home screen. The flash back of the application may be due to its own vulnerability or a device problem. Next, let's take a look at the iPhone flash back repair tutorial.  
Method 1: Solution to flash back caused by different apple IDs
1. Determine which account downloaded the installed app. (You can view it in the application list of "iPhone Flash Back Repair Tool")
2. Use the "Repair Flash Back" function of the "iPhone Flash Back Repair Tool" to repair. Click the genuine application of "Site Resources" on the left side of "iPhone Flash Back Repair Tool", and then select the "Repair Flash Back" button on the right side.
3. Click the repair device flash back function, and there is still a problem with flash back and entering Apple ID. Please check whether the PP Assistant (PC) version prompts that the repair is successful.
4. The principle of this method is to eliminate the bugs in the app itself. The only reason is that the authorization of the appstor account is invalid. This iPhone 5 cannot be opened without the authorization of the account of the flash back software. Once it is opened, it will flash back. Clicking flash back repair is equivalent to using their account to authorize your device, and then you can continue to use it.  
Method 2: Flash back due to unauthorized iPhone after jailbreak
1. If the IOS device has just escaped from prison, try restarting it.  
2. Download a free software in the IOS app store, which can easily solve the licensing problem! The problem of flashback will not exist. Here is a friendly reminder that Apple's jailbreak is risky. Because of the impact of some plug-ins, some applications may be incompatible, which may lead to the failure of normal opening.   
Note 1: If the flash back problem still occurs after the repair, you can only use the following method: delete the original app software, and then reinstall the app software in the app store. Delete iPhone application software: press and hold the icon of the application to be deleted for more than 3 seconds on the home screen, and then the icon will shake. Click the "X" in the upper left corner of the icon of the application to be deleted to delete the application.
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Go to the store to download software
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The reason is that the 520 version does not adapt to the mobile phone system. After installing PP assistant on the mobile phone through the computer, search for Xunlei, find the historical version from the introduction, and then download the classic 513 version back to the mobile phone (delete the Xunlei version from the mobile phone before downloading)~
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Apple removed a lot of software some time ago, probably because of this reason.
It is suggested to try the following methods:
Click Settings - Application - All - Find the software - Clear the data, clear the software data and open it again.
After uninstalling, download and install the corresponding program again.
If all the software is slow to open or has problems opening, you can back up and clear the cache and user data in recovery. Method: In the power off state, first press and hold the "volume increase key" and then press and hold the "power key". When the boot screen appears, let go and enter Recovery. Select Simplified Chinese>; Clear Data>; Clear cache+clear user data. Prompt: The touch screen temporarily fails in the recovery status, use the "power key" to confirm, and the "volume key" to select.
If the corresponding program has problems after the above method is used, and other software programs are normal, it can be determined that the program is incompatible with the system. You can try to replace the program or game of another version.
It is recommended that you back up and re wire your system version before trying.
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > Other classifications > How to deal with Apple Flash Back

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