Why is there so much storage space on iOS, but Youku can't download it, the display storage space is not enough, what software should be used to download videos?

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Why is there so much storage space on iOS, but Youku can't download, the display storage space is not enough, what software should be used to download videos?
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That's because there are too many caches in your other programs. You can free up space by clearing the cache of your next Jinshan battery
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You can set the maximum number of megabytes in Youku, or delete the videos you have seen before!
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Du knows that you are harmful! Electronic random response disorder~
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This situation may be caused by the automatic caching of videos you watch. You can set no automatic caching in Tencent videos to avoid this situation.
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Apple usually comes with its own video software. Try downloading a storm video
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You choose the mobile phone memory. You need to go to the client and transfer it to the external storage
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Set the memory location to: sd card
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ZOL Q&A > Why is there so much storage space on iOS, but Youku can't download it, the display storage space is not enough, what software should be used to download videos?

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