What's wrong with the WIN7 system setting the speaker to 24 bit 192000HZ?

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What's wrong with the WIN7 system setting the speaker to 24 bit 192000HZ?
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No impact. The hardware support is optional, which may increase the usage of performance. However, the usage of music is relatively small.
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This configuration depends on how you use it. It is more appropriate to use 32-bit for ordinary users. After all, 32-bit is designed for ordinary users, and the compatibility is relatively perfect. 64 bit can also be installed, but the program graphics card running too large in this configuration is tight. It is better to add another memory. Comprehensive analysis, it is recommended to install 32-bit for ordinary users
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ZOL Q&A > What's wrong with the WIN7 system setting the speaker to 24 bit 192000HZ?


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