Why do mobile phones connect to wifi, some software can access the internet, others can't

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Why do mobile phones connect to wifi, some software can access the internet, others can't
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After the hot spots made by RT laptop are connected, some software can access the Internet, such as Youku Caibai uc, and other software can access the Internet very quickly. The mobile terminal is also very fast, but some other software Bestway 360 mobile assistant can connect View All

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The reasons why the mobile phone is connected to the wireless WiFi but cannot access the Internet are as follows:
1. There is a problem with the WiFi itself. It may be that the WiFi is not connected properly, resulting in the inability to access the Internet.
2. The router is faulty. It may be overheated or damaged.
3. It is possible that the broadband is in arrears, resulting in the inability to access the Internet.
4. WiFi names include Chinese, which makes some mobile phones unable to connect to the Internet.
5. There is a problem with the mobile phone system. There may be a problem with the system, leading to the inability to access the Internet when connected to WiFi.
Suggested solutions:
1. Use other mobile phones or devices to connect to WiFi and try to get online, so as to eliminate the problem of WiFi itself.
2. Try restarting the router, or restore the router to its factory settings, and then dial in again. Reset WiFi according to the setup wizard, or replace the router with a new one and then dial in again.
3. Contact the broadband customer service to confirm whether the broadband account is abnormal. If you are in arrears, recharge the broadband, and then try dial-up connection.
4. If the WiFi name contains Chinese, it is recommended to change it to English or a combination of English and numbers before connecting.
5. If all the above reasons are ruled out, it may be a problem with the mobile phone system for a long time. It is recommended to restore the factory settings or clean the phone to see if the problem can be solved.
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WIFI is not optimized. Use 360 to optimize the network and restart the phone
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It is possible that the network port is disabled
In network technology, port roughly has two meanings: one is a physical port, such as the interface used by ADSL Modem, hub, switch and router to connect other network devices, such as RJ-45 port and SC port; The second is the logical port, which generally refers to the port in the TCP/IP protocol. The port number ranges from 0 to 65535, such as port 80 for browsing web services, port 21 for FTP services, and so on.
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It's said that it's OK to delete it after going online
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In advanced settings, set it to a static IP address...
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In network technology, port roughly has two meanings: one is a physical port, such as the interface used by ADSL Modem, hub, switch and router to connect other network devices, such as RJ-45 port and SC port; The second is the logical port, which generally refers to the port in the TCP/IP protocol. The port number ranges from 0 to 65535, such as port 80 for browsing web services, port 21 for FTP services, and so on.
Each software uses different network ports
The network port we usually use to browse web pages is 80
That means you can go to UC, Youku, etc
But the port used by some software to connect to the network is not this port
Inevitably, it will be prohibited by the router
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So is my 85, tangled
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ZOL Q&A > wireless router > Other classifications > Why do mobile phones connect to wifi, some software can access the internet, others can't

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