There may be many things bought by the same merchant on Taobao. The merchant uses two packages, that is, there are two waybill numbers. Only one package was received.

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There may be many things bought by the same merchant on Taobao. The merchant uses two packages, that is, there are two waybill numbers. Only one package was received.
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Sometimes the express delivery will be delivered together and sometimes it will be diverted. I have met it before and it should not be lost
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Check whether the two waybill numbers are the same. If the waybill number is the same, there is only one package. Ask him to refund the freight. If it is two different order numbers, it must be two packages. Sometimes there are too many things in the express, and one car can't finish it, so it will be pulled back the next day.
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Maybe the goods are not in the same warehouse, there will be time difference
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Ask him for the express bill number, both
Then query

My Tmall women's clothing seller
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ZOL Q&A > Projector > Other classifications > There may be many things bought by the same merchant on Taobao. The merchant uses two packages, that is, there are two waybill numbers. Only one package was received.

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