Why does window7 USB2.0 PC Camera always fail to install

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Why does window7 USB2.0 PC Camera always fail to install
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Try Driver Life to download and install the camera driver. It can automatically detect the driver suitable for your computer system
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There will be a driver installation CD in the package of the newly bought camera. If there is no driver installation CD, you will be prompted to install the hardware when you plug it into the computer for the first time (unless you cancel the prompt to install the hardware or the camera is bad). If there is no prompt, you will download a driver wizard online and install the driver yourself. (If it still cannot be installed or does not respond, it can prove that your camera is broken or your computer interface is faulty). You should have no problem trying it my way.
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The installation failed. There is no corresponding driver in the system. You have to next drive yourself!
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Reinstall the system. You can't. There's no way
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Go to the official website to download the driver and install it. Simply go to 360,
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First use ghost to back up the original XP system, and then reinstall the XP system on disk C. After the new system operates normally. Restore the original backup to disk C.
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ZOL Q&A > camera > system > Mobile phone installation > Why does window7 USB2.0 PC Camera always fail to install

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