What is the mix proportion of C20 and C30 concrete

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What is the mix proportion of C20 and C30 concrete
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1. Configuration strength C1=C+1.645&. (&is the standard deviation, generally 5. That is to say, C30 concrete configuration strength is generally 38-40mpa)
2 Determine the water cement ratio: W/c=0.45 * f/C1 (f is the actual strength of cement)
3. Water consumption: 160-175kg according to experience
4. Calculate the required volume of aggregate by volume method
5. The sand ratio is 38-42%,
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The building owner, I have a small file of mix proportion. Let me show you,
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Online! For reference! Take raw materials for trial preparation!
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Check the website of the Architectural Society.
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C30 concrete W/B is generally controlled at 0.43~0.5 C20 concrete W/B is generally controlled at 0.55~0.6
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No. Model Cement consumption (ton) Crushed stone consumption (ton) Sand consumption (ton)
3 C30 P042.5 0.36 5-40mm 1.23 medium thickness 0.76
4 C30 PC32.5 0.37 5-40mm 1.23 medium thick 0.76
5 C25 PC32.5 0.35 5-40mm 1.23 medium thick 0.76
6 C20 PC32.5 0.33 5-40mm 1.23 medium thick 0.76
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