Briefly describe the parasitic mode of network virus, file virus, boot virus and compound virus

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Briefly describe the parasitic mode of network virus, file virus, boot virus and compound virus
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 Boot virus refers to the content that infects the boot sector on the computer system disk, or overwrites the partition table on the hard disk. If you start with a floppy disk infected with a virus, the hard disk will be infected.
 File type virus, mainly infected with file extension COM,. EXE, and OVL and other executable programs. The execution speed of infected files will slow down, or even fail to execute at all. After some files are infected, they will be deleted as soon as they are executed. When a virus file is called, the virus will be transmitted to other executable programs.
 The network virus resides in a computer, and copies itself to the unoccupied computer in the computer network as soon as possible, and copies itself in the network at high speed and continuously, occupying network resources for a long time, thus paralyzing the entire network.
With the continuous development of computer technology, viruses are constantly updated, and new classifications include: companion viruses, worm viruses, parasitic viruses, etc.
The compound virus has the characteristics of boot virus and file virus. They can infect * COM, *. EXE files can also infect the boot sector of the disk. Because of this characteristic, the virus has a considerable degree of infectivity. Once the disease occurs, the extent of its destruction will be very considerable!
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Select C boot type: refers to the computer virus parasitic in the disk boot area or the main boot area. File type: refers to the computer virus parasitic in the file. Shell type: refers to the structure of a virus, rather than parasitic mode.
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Channels: network propagation, file propagation, and USB disk propagation.
Action: Install anti-virus software.
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Hello: This situation is not really formatting, but malicious concealment. You can use the startup disk of USB flash disk to start your computer, then copy important files after entering the PE system, and then use the boot repair function in PE to repair the boot file of the system. After restarting the computer, you can enter the system normally, After entering the system, it is suggested that you can use the latest version of Tencent Computer Housekeeper's anti-virus function to kill your computer. After killing the virus, restart the computer and it will return to normal. You can click here to download the latest version of Tencent Computer Housekeeper: Tencent Computer Housekeeper to download

Tencent computer butler enterprise platform:
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Trojans are hidden and spontaneous programs that can be used for malicious acts. Most trojans do not directly harm computers, but mainly control them
Virus refers to "a group of computer instructions or program codes that are programmed or inserted into computer programs and destroy computer functions or data, affect computer use and can self replicate"
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Information calculation question in the second semester of the second day of junior high school... I forgot
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Generally, it is spread through the network, such as emails and web pages. When you open a file in an email with a virus, it will be poisoned. In addition, it is also spread through software. When you download a software with a virus, it will be poisoned once it runs. In addition, it is spread through USB disks. When a USB disk is poisoned, it will also be poisoned if you open the file in it.
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ZOL Q&A > Chassis > Other classifications > Briefly describe the parasitic mode of network virus, file virus, boot virus and compound virus


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