Win10 cannot run solidworks. Verify that you have directory access and permission to run this application. It is 64 bit and also uses the CD-ROM drive

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Win10 cannot run solidworks. Verify that you have directory access and permission to run this application. It is 64 bit and also uses the CD-ROM drive
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With the growing function of SolidWorks and the continuous development of Windows, SolidWorks customers generally think that SolidWorks software runs slowly. After the analysis of the engineers of Nanjing Dongdai Information Technology Co., Ltd., we can actually look at this problem objectively. There are mainly three aspects: 1. SolidWorks is developed based on Windows
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Run as administrator during installation.
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Check whether the computer's graphics card driver is installed, and check whether the software does not support win8
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ZOL Q&A > CD drive > Other classifications > Win10 cannot run solidworks. Verify that you have directory access and permission to run this application. It is 64 bit and also uses the CD-ROM drive

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