A router connects two switches. Now one of the switches can access the Internet, and one of the switches cannot access the Internet.. And when you can't access the Internet

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A router connects two switches. Now one of the switches can access the Internet, and one of the switches cannot access the Internet.. And when you can't access the Internet
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Make sure the cable to the switch that cannot access the Internet is good.
If it is confirmed that it is good, replace the two interfaces and reconnect them. For example, the original LAN1 interface is connected to the switch port 1, but now replace it with the LAN3 interface to the switch port 24. If the network is still unavailable, it is confirmed that the switch is broken.
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Yes, as long as it comes down from that router
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Because your account does not support dialing more than one router, the other cannot dial because it has already dialed. You can only change your switch to a 8-port wired router for wireless secondary routing
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Whether your route settings are incorrect is probably the only problem, or whether the route is bad.
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ZOL Q&A > Switch > Other classifications > A router connects two switches. Now one of the switches can access the Internet, and one of the switches cannot access the Internet.. And when you can't access the Internet

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