Why can't I open the MP4 video downloaded from my computer

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Why can't I open the MP4 video downloaded from my computer
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You can download a video software, such as KMPlayer or Storm Video, because sometimes the software that comes with the system cannot be opened
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Open the video player, select the video, press and hold the left button, and drag it to the player window. Generally, it can be played.
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This only means that your MP4 does not support MP4 format video files. Try converting them to other files such as rmvb and flv
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If the storm is not good, please download and install QQ AV, which can recognize almost all the AV files in the world's latest format.
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You can directly convert it to avi format. I have downloaded it in f4v format before, but it cannot be played. I can watch it after converting it to avi format. You try.
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The format is not supported. Convert it in the player or restart another player
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It may be caused by the lack of something in the software itself or the software itself has problems. MP4 format converter is recommended to use MP4/RM conversion experts
The software interface design is humanized, the operation is very simple, the functions are complete, and it supports more CPU performance optimization thoroughly!

It supports the conversion of video to MP4 format of various models, such as exporting "MP4 format used on computer" in software, which can be set according to the model parameters!
The software itself does not bundle a large number of advertisements, which is very important for the system!

Baidu Search MP4/RM Conversion Expert
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > Other classifications > Why can't I open the MP4 video downloaded from my computer


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