After the video is downloaded to MP4, open the video. There is no duration. That is, it cannot be played. Why is this?

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After the video is downloaded to MP4, open the video. There is no duration. That is, it cannot be played. Why is this?
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It mainly depends on whether it can be played.
If you can, it depends on whether you can fast forward.
If you can't fast forward, you unplug the data cable while the video is still being transferred to the MP4, resulting in not all files being transferred to the MP4
It's inside, so it can't be played.
Also, the MP4 memory is too small to process this video.

Finally, you must make sure that the video is on the computer.
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QQ video, mobile version, decoding only
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There is something wrong with the transmission. Please convert the format before transmission
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Incorrect format
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Use the civet cat converter to convert, and then set the resolution lower when it is transmitted in
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ZOL Q&A > MP4 > Other classifications > After the video is downloaded to MP4, open the video. There is no duration. That is, it cannot be played. Why is this?

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