How to handle and download the installed virtual machine without browser

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How to handle and download the installed virtual machine without browser
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There are many ways
Open my computer or My Network Neighborhood and input the website directly (because Microsoft will automatically call IE)
Find C: Program Files Internet Explorer iexplore.exe, which is the IE browser
By the way, if you have installed VM tools, you can right click the browser installer on the physical machine and paste it into the virtual machine
Or transfer the programs on the physical machine to the virtual machine through remote sharing....

I hope I can help you!
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Start run cmd enter in the pop-up box
netsh winsock reset
, and then press enter to confirm. After the prompt "Resetting the winsock directory is successful, it needs to be restarted to take effect", you can restart it.
After the network is restored, right click Properties in the blank area of the desktop to switch to the theme. Select Windows Default for the theme. Confirm and wait, and then change it to the windoes xp theme.
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It should be a deliberate and competitive relationship
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I don't know....
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Open my computer, enter the web address in the address bar, and you can also access the Internet
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Go to the official website to download, or give an email, and I will send the source code to you.
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Download IE and save it to the computer with a USB flash drive
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