How to deal with the problem that the mobile hard disk cannot be read through the USB extension cable

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How to deal with the problem that the mobile hard disk cannot be read through the USB extension cable
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This is the lack of power supply. If you have to use an extension cable, use an active USB Hub, which is equipped with an external power supply. It is available in the computer city.
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What you mean by "data synchronization error", I think it is the system prompt that "device I/0 error causes data overload"

Most of the time, this situation is caused by insufficient power supply, but poor quality extension lines will suffer from insufficient power supply

In addition, this may happen to the front USB port of low-quality hard disk box, old model and low-quality motherboard

So: Yes, the extension cord is not suitable for mobile hard disk
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Yes, this is mainly determined by the power of the computer to the mobile hard disk. If the cable is too long, it is likely to cause automatic power failure during file transfer, which will cause great damage to the mobile hard disk.
My mobile hard disk was powered down due to insufficient power supply.

Therefore, it is recommended not to use the extension cord. If you have to use it, it is recommended to connect the rear U port of the host because the power supply rate is high.
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This statement is correct, because poor quality extension cords will lead to insufficient power supply.

1. The power supply standard of Usb 2.0 is about 5V 0.5A. The demand for mobile hard disk is 5V 0.6A. In most cases, 0.6A mobile hard disk can work under 0.5A power supply, while many computers have enhanced the power supply of USB, which is slightly higher than 0.5A. Therefore, it is safe to connect USB directly.
2. However, if it is a front-end or a USB hub, or a USB extension cable is used, if the cable is poor or too long, it will lead to current attenuation and easy to generate insufficient power supply.
3. The USB power supply is insufficient, and the use of the mobile hard disk is unstable. For example, sometimes inserting the mobile hard disk will prompt you to format. In fact, the data is OK, and reinsertion may solve the problem. In addition, when transferring a large amount of data, it is easy to make mistakes or suddenly cannot find the mobile hard disk.
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No impact, but don't drop the mobile hard disk. If you drop it, the data will be lost
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No, the longest USB signal is only 5 meters, and it can't be used beyond 5 meters
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Try changing to a USB interface. The USB interface on the computer
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It seems that I haven't heard of such a statement. It should not be too long!
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > Other classifications > How to deal with the problem that the mobile hard disk cannot be read through the USB extension cable

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