How to delete the Mac Bank of China online banking login security control and the Mac "USBKey management tool"

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How to delete the Mac Bank of China online banking login security control and the Mac "USBKey management tool"
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360 Uninstall! There is also a place to uninstall the software
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Drag it to the trash can
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Delete the online banking login security control and Mac USBKey management tool of Bank of China:

The USBKey management tool can only be uninstalled, but deletion cannot be completed. After installation, only uninstall can be selected, as follows:

1. Click the lower left corner of the computer (Start).
2. Click; Controls the layout.
3. Select; Programs and functions.
4. Right click; The USBKey management tool will be deleted or uninstalled.
5. Select; Uninstall Click OK to uninstall.
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Find the software location of this tool, and then drag it directly into the dustbin to fix it
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ZOL Q&A > Connecting line > Other classifications > How to delete the Mac Bank of China online banking login security control and the Mac "USBKey management tool"

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