How to deal with STEAM stuck in the login interface

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How to deal with STEAM stuck in the login interface
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Could you tell me which region you are in? Are they all full? If so, click the channel, but don't double click it and wait 30 seconds
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Sometimes it will be like this. Just start again.
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It's OK to start again. Sometimes it gets stuck
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Network problems, I sometimes also!
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I also have been stuck in 32-bit systems, but 64 bit systems have this problem!
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It's a network problem. That's what I used to do with Great Wall Broadband. Later, it was better to use the telecom network
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Press the power button to repeatedly switch on and off the machine. After a period of time, try to reinstall the system. If you can't reinstall yourself, spend 30 yuan to find a maintenance person to help you.
It is caused by anti-virus patching. If it can be started but is not easy to use, it is recommended to restore the system or reinstall it.
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ZOL Q&A > How to deal with STEAM stuck in the login interface


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