Windows cannot find the file Create a new text document.txt Make sure the file name is correct, and then try again. How to handle this situation

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Windows cannot find the file Create a new text document.txt Make sure the file name is correct, and then try again. How to handle this situation
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Whether all EXE files report errors. If so, the EXE file association is damaged. Antivirus software should not be able to run. Restore file associations. Because all. exe files cannot be run, method 1: create a new notepad, enter assoc. exe=execfile to save, and rename "new text document. txt" to "anything is ok. bat". Run method 2: edit this code with notepad: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT execfile shell open command] @=% 1 % * Save as "exe.reg" file (registry script file) Then run it. exe and you can run it. Method 3: Open my computer and find C: WINDOWS REGEDIT EXE (if the extension is not displayed, call it in the folder option) is renamed to REGEDIT COM, Run it, find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT . Exe, make sure its key value is EXEFILE, and then find HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT execfile shell runas command, make sure its key value is% 1% * or simply export HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT . Exe and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT execfile in the volume table to someone else's computer REG file. Then use floppy disk or USB disk to import it into your computer, and it will be OK
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Is there any data in the disk?

If not, right click Format to select NTFS and Quick Format.
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Poisoned, kill it
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Some are renamed automatically after downloading. See if this is the case, or if you haven't finished downloading!
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ZOL Q&A > Barcode printer > Other classifications > Windows cannot find the file Create a new text document.txt Make sure the file name is correct, and then try again. How to handle this situation


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