What does PC2-6400 (400MHZ) mean? Use CPU-Z to detect experts and ask for help

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What does PC2-6400 (400MHZ) mean? Use CPU-Z to detect experts and ask for help
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The meaning of PC2-6400 (400MHz) is as follows: First, this is the frequency and bandwidth information of the memory, PC2 represents that it uses the DDR2 specification. The physical actual frequency of memory particles is 400MHz. Because it is a DDR type memory form, the upper and lower edges of a clock cycle can transmit data, so its equivalent frequency is 800MHz. In other words, the frequency displayed by this memory is DDR2-800, which is a common parameter we know when we buy memory. The 6400 refers to the bandwidth calculated in bits. Because 1byte=8bit, that is, one byte is equal to eight binary bits. Therefore, 8 * 800MHz is the origin of 6400.
CPU-Z can detect the details of memory, which are contained in a content called SPD, and can be found from CPU-Z. The above frequency and bandwidth information can also be seen. In this way, you can judge whether the information is true after you buy the memory.
In the same way, we can infer the specific physical specifications of DDR3 and DDR4 memory that will be popularized gradually.
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It's better to buy the same memory model and brand, which is also 1GB. You can go to the computer store first to ask if they sell it, and then take the computer to try it out. Play big games in the computer store and open more windows. If there is no blue screen, it will be OK. If there is no local sales, you can only go to Taobao. My computer is older than yours. The DDR400 was bought on Taobao, but for the first time, the store gave me a bad one, and the golden fingers turned white. Later, it was replaced with a good one. It is guaranteed for 3 years.
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The memory of your model is DDR2 800
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Just choose the same type of memory module. When you go to the memory module store and report the parameters, someone will introduce them to you.
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Master Lu knew after testing
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ZOL Q&A > CPU > other > What does PC2-6400 (400MHZ) mean? Use CPU-Z to detect experts and ask for help


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