How to cancel automatic update of word07?

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How to cancel automatic update of word07?
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Start menu - Control panel - System security - Enable or disable automatic updates - Never check for updates
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If you use the WORD03 version, you can open the WORD version 07 with the next Office07 compatibility package. It is recommended to install Office2007
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Go to Microsoft's official website to download the compatibility packs of 03 and 07 for free.
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Setting method:
1. Click the button shown in the figure at the lower right corner of the page layout tab;

2. In the pop-up page setting dialog box, select the document grid tab, and select the No Grid option, as shown in the figure.
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It seems that the header and footer cannot be deleted, but I just found a way to make it not affect the body. My word is Word 2003, you can also try it. Open the file==>Page setting==>Layout, and lower the height in the header and footer. After I adjust them to 0.05, they will run up and down. They will no longer affect the format of my body. You can try it, hoping to help you.
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ZOL Q&A > How to cancel automatic update of word07?


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