Samsung g3509 stuck in initialization when using odin

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Samsung g3509 stuck in initialization when using odin
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The rom package and drivers are installed

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First, replace the original data cable.
Second, replace the computer with a USB port.
Third, replace the Recovery file to prevent the file from being damaged.
Fourth, restart your computer system to see if the Samsung USB driver has been installed.
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If you don't move for a long time, unplug the data cable
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Remove the SD card and wipe the metal strip on it with an eraser
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What computer do you use? If it is not a laptop, it can be inserted into the back of the chassis. Change the socket of the notebook. Most of them are in poor contact.
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It seems that the important document of your previous mobile phone was deleted carelessly. Go to Taobao to save bricks
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It may be caused by the insufficient voltage of the USB port on the front of the desktop computer. It is recommended to plug it into the back; You can try the latest version of Kingsoft Mobile Assistant, and after installing the driver, click again to download it: If you still have questions on the official website of Kingsoft Mobile Assistant, you are welcome to ask questions of Kingsoft Enterprise
If you still have questions, please ask Jinshan Enterprise
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ZOL Q&A > mobile phone > system > Mobile phone brushing > Samsung g3509 stuck in initialization when using odin


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