My computer is in Chinese. I want to install an English language pack, but it says "This language cannot be installed on this computer". What should I do

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My computer is in Chinese. I want to install an English language pack, but it says "This language cannot be installed on this computer". What should I do
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The following specific methods: 1. View the updates and install the English language pack. 1. Click Start - Control Panel - Windows Update - Check for Updates, and the system will automatically find available system update patches. 2. After a few minutes, you can click the optional update on the update page, find the English language pack, check it, and confirm to install the update. After setting, Windows update will automatically download and install. 2. Set the system language to English. 1. Click Start - Control Panel - "Region and Language". 2. Open the "Region and Language" dialog box and select the "Keyboard and Language" tab. In the selection display language bar, click the drop-down box, select "English", and then click the "OK" button, You can complete the operation of win7 Chinese version to English version. 3. After setting, restart the system directly, and you can see that the WIN7 system has become an English version. Summary: In fact, WIN7 Chinese to English means downloading and installing the English language pack, and then setting the system language to English
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Search Baidu for "Kindle 4 installation guide". The first link is the illustrated tutorial in Baidu Library. I suggest you go to the forum to see more tutorials. There are also many lessons and experiences.
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Your Win7 is a single language version. No matter which language pack you load, it is impossible to use it. You can only buy a multi language version.
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Chinese or English
Click the language bar, go in and see the top bar, you can select different languages
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ZOL Q&A > notebook > system > Mobile phone installation > My computer is in Chinese. I want to install an English language pack, but it says "This language cannot be installed on this computer". What should I do


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